Succulents with flowers | Cultivation, repotting and cutting

Succulents with flowers are original in shape, attractive in blooms
They should not be called succulents with flowers, but simply "succulent" because they store water in their tissues during the rainy seasons to consume it during periods of drought.

There are two basic types: the succulents with flowers that accumulate water in the leaves and those that hold it in the stems such as, for example, the cacti.

The most loved flowering succulents

The Opunthia microdasys, native of Mexico, is a small cactacea, to whose family belongs also the best known Prickly Pear, of easy cultivation and that ramifies strongly. It prefers sun exposure. Wet from March to October every 15 days or so.

Mamillaria Bombycina is a dwarf cactacea with a simple stem 15-20 cm high with a diameter of 5-6 cm. It has white, thin and stiff spines, the central ones are reddish-brown, hooked and facing downwards. Small flowers red carmine. Exposure to the sun. Wet from April to September

every 7-10 days.

The Euphorbia Milii (Crown of Christ) in excellent environmental conditions can reach two meters in height. The woody branches are covered with thorns gathered in pairs with delicious flowers. He loves sun exposure and needs a non-peaty soil. If it gets wet regularly (once a week)

it is always in bloom.

Schlumbergera is native to the Brazilian rainforests. It needs a moist atmosphere. In order to flourish, a minimum temperature of 18 ° C is required, from October until flowering. Keep the soil moist: give non-calcareous water only to prevent the plant from dehydrating.

Cures of cultivation

All the succulent plants can be grown at home, as long as some important precautions are observed. In summer it is necessary to place the succulent plants with flowers outside, placing them in the light, even if (it seems incredible) some species do not like the direct rays of the sun. They must be bathed abundantly, always with water at room temperature, especially if they are in very sunny areas.

In winter it is good to store them in a cool, dry, as bright as possible and in areas where the temperature never falls below 5 degrees.

Some species should be watered very little. Normally once every 20-25 days increasing the dose in the presence of heat sources. At the vegetative restart it is advisable to provide, every 20-30 days, a specific fertilizer mixed with water for watering.

1. We wet when the ground appears dry. We can immerse the pot in water until the surface has moistened.

2. During the vegetative phase, and in some species during flowering, we administer a liquid fertilizer without investing the plant.

3. Succulents should be fertilized with suitable products. Among these it is very practical Nutre Giusto Succulent Plants ready to use and easy to use, specially formulated for all species of potted plants in pots. The dispenser bottle, to be placed by sticking it on the mold, allows a slow but continuous release in order to guarantee the right nutrition for at least 15 days. € 4.50

Type of land

The ideal soil for the development of succulent plants with flowers must be characterized by a permeable and porous structure, in order to avoid dangerous water stagnations: almost all the succulents prefer acid soil and mixtures with draining material such as sand or lapilli are recommended. the

In the garden centers you will find the ready-to-use potting soil, but you can prepare it at home by mixing five parts of universal soil, three parts of that of leaves and two of draining material.

How to repot fat plants

4. To detach the clod from the pot, we press with a pencil or a wooden stick through the drainage hole.

1: We remove the plant by wrapping it in a sheet of paper to protect the hands from the trap of thorns.

2: Holding the plant in the center of the new vase we fill it with a specific compound for succulents.

Cough succulents

3: The cutting of Opunthia is carried out by holding the upper part wrapped in paper and cutting into the joint.

4: For column cactaceae, cut sections of plant of about 8 cm; each will become a new plant.

5: Segmented cacti are cut at one joint. Each cutting must consist of 2-3 segments.

6: Cuttings must be inserted into the soil just enough to be perfectly straight.


These plants are easily attacked by many parasites common to green plants, such as ants, thrips and aphids. If yellow or brown spots appear on the plants, mites are present; Whitish "hairy" spots indicate the presence of bedbugs. In all cases it is necessary to intervene with a specific insecticide.

Other problems can arise due to excessive shade which causes a stunted and pale plant to grow. If, instead, the fabric appears wrinkled and soft with little growth of the plant means that little water is administered or the roots are rotten.

Succulents with flowers | Cultivation, repotting and cutting last change: 2017-08-09T08: 00: 40 + 00: 00
