Schlumbergera cactus Tips and Tricks

Christmas cactus  or tropical beauty Latin name - Schlumbergera, the favorite house plant because of its high durability and because it gives an unusually beautiful flowers.
Tropical forests are the natural habitat where it grows in dense treetops. On our premises, thrives in a large pot.

Growing and Care

While Christmas cactus flower, keep the country in which it is planted moderately moist.

After flowering in early spring, a period of sleep, which lasts about 6 weeks.

Then the Christmas cactus should prune and watering reduced to a minimum, just enough to plant dry. Fertilizing at this stage is also not required.
After the resting phase, followed period of growth when you start having more watering and fertilization.

Once every three weeks to save the plant liquid fertilizer and so on until September, when again needs to start with a gradual decrease watering and fertilization termination.

 It is important that, when the plant starts to bloom, repot move to something lighter position.Regularly water the give him food, and fertilizer that contains phosphorus and tin to make it more beautiful flourished.

During the formation of buds, repot the Christmas cactus, do not move, because moving around this plant can lead to a decrease or absence of flowering buds of the season.

However, as soon as the flowers open, cactus free to move to the desired location.

Maintaining and growing a Christmas cactus
Cacti with leaves corresponds to moderate light and heat. Fertilization is necessary every two weeks in the flowering stage.

Christmas cactus is adapted quickly to the growing conditions in the house or apartment. It is resistant to dry air caused by heating. 

Care is not difficult nor complicated, and you will, if you acquired a Christmas cactus, during the winter holidays have a delightful part of the room decorations.

Christmas cactus feels quite light, but do not put it in direct sunlight. The amount of light that give him depends on the quality and exuberance of flowers.

Corresponds to a temperature range of 7-19 degrees and slightly higher humidity.

The species of cactus with white and yellow flowers are sensitive to low temperatures, and react by changing the color of flowers in pale pink.

When spring starts and flat frosts, Christmas cactus free to bring out in the garden or on the balcony, or place it on a shady place.

Take care during the year because Christmas cactus does not like very high temperatures. Therefore, it regularly sprinkling. In an enclosed space, cactus back in early October.


Most cacti in winter enters the period of rest and then do not require fertilization not watering. However, the Christmas cactus applies the second rule. This room flowers at the end of the year, around the New Year begins to flourish by giving white, pink, red or colorful little flowers. 

Just because Christmas cactus should then continue to water when there are buds of flowers, but their land is not dry. Choose water without limestone.

It is important to know also that Christmas cactus does not like excess water in the mat.

Transplanted Christmas cactus

Christmas cactus does not like transplanting often, but when a transplant is needed in case the flower pots too small, be very careful, because the root is very sensitive.

After the transplant, the ground around the roots of good press and cover fresh ground.

Choose ceramic pots for Christmas cactus because the plastic moisture evaporates more difficult, but the cactus can not fail because of too much moisture.

Cactus is transplanted in sandy, acidic soil, and planting is recommended after the flowering period.

PropagationChristmas cactus is easy to reproduce. Each article of the stem or leaf is convenient if you carefully break off. Put it in moist sand, and expect that it will take root in about 15-20 days.Then simply transplanted into a larger pot.