Mandevilla -- Dipladenia, Riding Hood or Brazilian jasmine

This highly resistant and beautiful climbing belongs to the family of evergreen (Apocynaceae). It is named after the British gardener Henry John Mandeville, which was brought to Britain at the first specimens of species Mandevilla laxa. Name Diplade Britain derived from the ancient Greek (dipl`oos-double-gland adenoma) after exposed twin glands at the edge of the dye. 

Mandevilla delights lovers of garden and balcony flowers with their beauty. 

It is very grateful to plant that flowers throughout the year, as long as the temperature does not fall below 15 ° C.

The stems reach a length of 1.5 to 9m, depending on the species, the leaves are elliptical at the top pointed and glossy, the flowers are funnel shape, white, pink or yellow, and some species have fragrant flowers for example. Mandevilla laxa. Milky juice of this type, which is filled with stalks is very toxic and should be during circumcision protect hands. 
Growing conditions 

Since Mandevilla tropical plant (most species originates from South America about 90 species from Central America 21 species), matching her warm tropical climate and high humidity. Put it on semi-shady place. The ideal temperature for its flowering is about 20 ° C, and from October to February suits her temperature of 15 ° C when it enters into the house, so as not to freeze. 

In the Mediterranean, can overwinter and in the open. When you enter the enclosed space it is possible that she falls foliage. Do not despair, in this case, only the set somewhat watered (not too much) and remove dead leaves to prevent the development of disease. In the spring will be leafless branches rejuvenate, little will cut them and the plant will again get a nice look if the winter is not too watered or dried up.

Substrates and Watering: 

The substrate for planting Mandeville should be humus - permeable and wet, and the water should not remain in the flower pot washer or because it promotes the development of fungal diseases. 

To water is preferably room temperature to reuse water in which the plant grows, and in the winter the amount of irrigation water decreases, since then the plant has a resting phase (still the best soil water just try to view the finger plate under the container to confirm that no water). Between the two watering substrate to the surface should be dry for at least two days, and winter five to six days! 

Save CARE: 

In the spring, our winter of troubled Mandeville be transplanted into something larger container, add a handful of glisnjaka and cut dead and before long twigs. If it is in a container in the spring is necessary to begin with fertilization of mineral or organic fertilizer that contains high levels of nitrogen and potassium, which stimulates the growth and development of new shoots. 

Fed every 15 days. If the plant is just transplanted should wait for the fertilization of at least 20 days. 

Furthermore it is necessary to preventively spray insecticide plant broad-spectrum or some bio - preparation for defense against aphids, mites and red spider. Before buds grow too it would be good to protect the plant and fungicide because when the plant gets sick but usually late for spraying, so it is better preventive spraying before the beginning of flowering. 


Mandevilla propagated by stem cuttings, best in spring or summer. 

Stem cuttings length of about 10 cm, dipped in rooting hormones, punched out into a mixture of peat and sand (in equal parts), and a small storage lavaged the shaded area (preferably at 25 ° C and high humidity) to be at rest. 

Cuttings taken a sharp knife, cut under the well-developed feet at a lower leaves are removed. Cuttings should not have more than four sheets, because of excessive transpiration. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at the board's questions and answers and we'll try to help your Mandevilla as beautiful (nicest in the neighborhood)! 
Good luck with breeding, observe his Mandeville and you yourself perceive what suits her and what does not is because though each plant different. 


Species and cultivars 

in the world there are over 100 species of Mandevilla, but with us you can buy only a small number of species. 

These are the most common: 
Mandevilla splendens with large pink - white flowers, 
Mandevilla Sander which has flowers in the hood, pink color with yellow mid and bred are many hybrids of these species, 

Mandevilla boliviensis with white flowers yellow middle, 

Mandevilla laxa with completely white flowers also called Chilean jasmine 
and two newer varieties on the market; Sundaville (registered trademark Japanese manufacturer Suntory Flowers Limited) and Tropidenia (registered trademark of the Swiss producer Jörg Meyer) that have a material roots adapted to survive the dry season without a lot of watering. 
Unfortunately we have no images, so search on the web, and maybe manage to get one of these types!