Watering Houseplants Tips

Bad watering habits tend to follow a pattern. First, when you’re new with houseplants,
people tend to overwater everything, all in the name of “babying my plants.” Then
people fail to recognize the differences between their various plants, watering
a philodendron the same as an echeveria.

Finally, there is the stage of neglect, when houseplants are no longer so exciting or
new so they are forgotten.

Developing good watering habits isn’t difficult, but it does require a few essential
ingredients, such as consistency and at least a bare willingness to pay attention to
your plants and “read” their signs. Ultimately, the plants themselves are your best
source of information. Plants that are wilting are telling you they need more water,
while plants that are yellowing and looking washed out may be getting too much

How to water your plants

Leave room for water in the pot! When you’re repotting your plants, don’t fill the pot
up the rim with potting soil. This makes it much harder to water as you’ll have to
dribble water over the soil and wait until it seeps in. Leave enough room that you can
pour in some water and let it soak in on its own.

Be consistent. Even if this means marking days on your calendar, make sure your
watering habits are consistent, so the plants don’t suffer through debilitating cycles of
drought and plenty. Although each species is different, in general plants prefer even

Keep like with like. If it’s possible, grow similar plants next to each other, so you
won’t have to thread your way among various plants while watering. Keep your
succulents with your succulents and your aroids with your aroids
Learn to water from the bottom. Bottom watering is a very effective method for
many plants whose leaves don’t like to get wet.

Use a long-necked watering can. This will allow you to apply water precisely at the
soil level, without wetting the leaves. Fungal disorders are encouraged by wet foliage.

Never let your plants sit in water! Unless they are bog plants, make sure to empty
out the plant trays after you’re done watering so the plants aren’t sitting in water.
Sitting in water is a good way to get root rot, while is frequently lethal.
Keep a water supply nearby.

If your plants aren’t near a water source, make your life easy and hide a watering
container somewhere in the room where they’re located. This will make it easier to
regularly water.

Provide drinks, not sips.
Shallow and insufficient watering encourages weak root systems and makes the
plant more vulnerable to collapse. When you water, make sure you do it thoroughly,
so water runs through the container. This also helps flush out fertilizer salts, which
can be dangerous if they accumulate.

Water in the morning. Watering at night encourages dampness, which is a
prerequisite for fungal attack. Instead, water during the day, when the evaporation
and transpiration rates are at their best.

Pay attention to water quality. Some plants cannot tolerate chlorinated tap water,
while other plants have a difficult time with soft water. Use the cleanest water
possible, such as rainwater, water that has been left out for a few days to
dechlorinate, or reverse osmosis water.

Source: www.thespruce.com