Echeveria gibbiflora shows a very wide variation in color and form of rosettes and leaves. The flowering stem of a plant varies (large) from 6 feet (1.8 m) to relatively small, up to 2.6 feet (80 cm). It is a succulent, evergreen perennial, forming short-stemmed rosettes, up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall and up to 16 inches (40 cm) in diameter.
The leaves are spoon-shaped, wavy-edgeds, reddish-green in color and up to 8 inches (20) cm long. The bell-shaped, reddish flowers are yellow inside.
Scientific Name
Echeveria gibbiflora DC.
Common Names
Oreja de Burro (Spanish), Jätte Echeveria (Swedish)
Cotyledon gibbiflora, Cotyledon gibbiflora var. metallica, Echeveria gibbiflora var. metallica, Echeveria grandis
Scientific Classification
Family: Crassulaceae
Subfamily: Sedoideae
Tribe: Sedeae
Subtribe: Sedinae
Genus: Echeveria
How to Grow and Care
Most of the common Echeveria species are not complicated succulents to grow, provided you follow a few basic rules. First, be careful never to let water sit in the rosette as it can cause rot or fungal diseases that will kill the plant. Additionally, remove dead leaves from the bottom of the plant as it grows.
These dead leaves provide a haven for pests, and Echeveria are susceptible to mealy bugs. As with all succulents, careful watering habits and plenty of light will help ensure success.
Repot as needed, preferably during the warm season. To repot a succulent, make sure the soil is dry before repotting, then gently remove the pot.