Aloe perfoliata – Rubble Aloe, Mitre Aloe

Aloe perfoliata is a hardy clustering succulent forming groups of rosettes in small colonies. In its natural habitat, the plants have prostrate, branching stems up to 6.6 feet (2 m) long.Instead of making upright stems, they tend to follow a sprawling habit with prostrate stems reaching up to 6.6 feet (2 m) long. While most of the plant lies along the ground, the terminal leaf-bearing head is often erect, facing upwards to the sun.  The leaf margins are armed with harmless, little white teeth. The leaves are thick and fleshy and have a bluish green colour. The red flowers appear on stalks, which vary from being rounded to being cone-shaped.

Scientific Name

Aloe perfoliata L.

Common Names

Rubble Aloe, Mitre Aloe


Aloe nobilis, Aloe albispina, Aloe brevifolia, Aloe commelyni, Aloe depressa, Aloe flavispina, Aloe mitriformis, Aloe parvispina, Aloe reflexa, Aloe spinulosa, Aloe xanthacantha

Scientific Classification

Family: Xanthorrhoeaceae

Subfamily: Asphodeloideae

Genus: Aloe


USDA hardiness zone 9b to 10b: from 25 °F (−3.9 °C) to 40 °F (+4.4 °C).

How to Grow and Care

Aloe is a very forgiving plant, and a well-grown plant can be quite beautiful. As with all succulents, it’s essential that Aloe is never allowed to sit in stagnant water, and the plant should be carefully monitored to watch for signs of overwatering.

Aloe are not particularly fast-growing and will only rarely need repotting. Repot plants in the spring that are tipping over their pots or have ceased growing. Use a fast-draining potting mix with one-third sand or pebbles.

During repotting of a larger plant, it is possible to carefully divide the root ball. Some kinds of aloe will send off off-sets that can be potted independently.