Aloe 'Christmas Carol'

Aloe ‘Christmas Carol’ is a small and slow-growing succulent that can grow up to 1 foot (30 cm) tall and 6 inches (15 cm) wide. The succulent shapes like a star that is why they are referred to as 'Christmas Carol'. The color is yellow, green and red on the tips.

 This succulent has dark green leaves and red deep crimson at the edges. its red-pink flowers appear in fall, sometimes they bloom in winter. It's a frost-tender evergreen.

Family: Asphodelaceae
Subfamily: Asphodeloideae
Tribe: Aloeae
Genus: Aloe
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How to Grow and Care

All plants of the genus Aloe need a lot of light to grow healthy and bloom to the fullest. 
It is recommended to expose the plants to direct sunlight in the less warm times of the year and move to semi-shade or under filtered light in summer. 

The intense summer sun is the main cause of many burns on the leaves of most species.


They are plants that appreciate growing in cool or hot climates. 
Some species survive in environments where daytime temperatures exceed 40 ° C; They are plants of hot climates.
Temperatures below 10 ° C are dangerous for these plants because they encourage the proliferation of fungi in the roots and consequently the rot of these and the plant...Learn more at  HOW TO GROW AND CARE Aloe

Links: Back to genus  Aloe
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