Sempervivum tectorum - medicinal properties and recipes

Watchtower is used in the form of juice, fats or tea. Are most commonly used to treat wounds, chapped skin, ulcers, hemorrhoids, intestinal problems, diabetes or sore throat.

Infusion of Sempervivum
Necessary ingredients:

2 dl of hot water
2 finely chopped list Sempervivum

Place the leaves in a pot and cover them with hot water. Leave them on for two hours. Tea then strain and drink a quarter cup before each meal (three times daily).

This tea is very effective if you suffer from diarrhea or menstrual pain. It is also an excellent remedy for inflammation of the ear. If your inflammation at the initial stage, pain can soothe by adding a few drops of fresh juice Sempervivum the ear.

Sempervivum for faster metabolism and detoxification

Necessary ingredients:
500 grams of houseleek
1 kg of honey
Chop and squeeze Sempervivum in one bowl. Add honey and stir until ingredients are well combined. Let the mixture sit for seven days in a warm place.

Take one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach and not eat anything two hours after you have consumed this natural remedy.

This mixture of Sempervivum will cleanse the body of toxins and speed up metabolism.