Blooms Sedum acre succulent

FEATURES sharp stonecrop (Sedum acre L.) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family tustike (Crassulaceae).

Stems are low, branched, creeping, growing in  often in large groups. They grow up to 20 cm in height. The leaves are alternate, seated, fleshy, cylindrical shape with a blunt tip. The yellowish or greenish are, but in the spring are often in shades of reddish. The flowers are star, are on short stalks, are composed of five yellow, constrained petals. It blooms from June to August. The fruit is a quiver containing several seeds. Natural habitat is widespread in Europe.

In North America, New Zealand and Japan is considered to be naturalized. It grows in sunny, dry and poor soils, rocky hills, on dry meadows, mostly in areas near the sea. It is often grown around houses as an ornamental plant in rockeries or as ground cover. It can be propagated by seed or by dividing. They need well-drained soil. It is resistant to drought. It is a good honey plant, bees visit it during the day. During the sharp stonecrop is green-yellow.

 The etymology of the Latin name of the genus Sedum comes from the Latin word sit (sit), which is referred to as the plants need to be placed in walls and other unfavorable locations. According to another interpretation derives from Sedar, because the leaves are used to relieve pain from the wound and cool it.

Species name acre (sharp) refers to the taste of the leaves. Foreign-language titles are goldmoss stonecrop, biting stonecrop, wallpepper (Eng.), Scharfer Mauerpfeffer (it.), Orpine Acre, poivre des murailles (fr.), Pimienta de Muros (Span.), Succulents sharp, sharp bradavičnik (slo .).

USE sharp stonecrop is considered a poisonous plant but the leaves are edible in modest amounts. Peppery taste, can be dried, milled and used in powder form as a spice. Drying takes a long time because the leaves have a lot of water but dried are considered safe and are rich in vitamin C.